Yuanrui Chen and Shenglong Zhang collected awards at the ICDM2024 workshop
Yuanrui Chen, a PhD student in Associate Professor Jonathon Wright’s group at the Department of Earth System Science at Tsinghua University won a Best Student Presentation Award and Shenglong Zhang won a Best Student Poster Award at the IAMAS International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology 2024 (ICDM2024) Symposium in Nanjing, China.

Chen Yuanrui focuses on the dynamical processes associated with atmospheric waves and their downstream effects in the Southern Hemisphere. His work demonstrated a new mechanism that triggers marine heatwaves (Recurrent Synoptic Waves Instigate Severe Marine Heatwave in the Southwest Pacific) from the perspective of recurrent atmospheric waves. The study reveals the specific physical processes of how recurrent waves can trigger marine heatwaves and emphasizes the importance of oceanic mixed-layer depth variations for marine extreme events in the Southwest Pacific. His results provide a new perspective on the study of marine heatwaves.

Shenglong Zhang undertook an exchange study in Prof. Mengqian Lu’s group at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2024, focusing on the study of atmospheric water and energy cycles. In response to increasing climate change and increasingly frequent extreme events, he has developed a tool for attributing extreme meteorological and hydrological events based on a Lagrangian trajectory method (A Generalized Lagrangian Attribution Tool for Hydrometeorological Extremes). His tool, called LATHE, can quantify sources of water vapor and heat (sensible, latent) transport as well as conversion of moisture to heat, providing a powerful tool for future studies of the development of extreme weather events.

The theme of this ICDM2024 workshop was “Cross-Scale Connections in Weather and Climate Dynamics”, which attracted top meteorologists and researchers from all over the world to discuss topics related to weather and climate change and applications of machine learning in weather-climate dynamics and forecasting. The presentations by Yuanrui Chen and Shenglong Zhang were recognized for their excellence by the judges.
在中国南京举办的IAMAS国际动力气象学委员会2024年(ICDM2024)研讨会上,清华大学地学系Jonathon Wright(乔纳森)副教授课题组博士生陈元瑞荣获最佳学生报告奖,张胜龙荣获最佳学生海报奖。
陈元瑞主要研究大气波动相关的动力过程及其下游影响。他所在的研究组从循环性大气波动的角度出发,提出了一个新的海洋热浪触发机制(Recurrent Synoptic Waves Instigate Severe Marine Heatwave in the Southwest Pacific)。该研究揭示了循环性系统如何触发海洋热浪的具体物理过程,并强调了大洋混合层深度变化对西南太平洋海洋极端事件的重要性,为海洋热浪的研究提供了新的视角。
张胜龙于2024年在香港科技大学陆萌茜教授课题组进行交换学习,聚焦于大气水与能量循环的研究。他所在研究组针对不断加剧的气候变化和越来越频繁的极端事件,开发了一个基于拉格朗日方法的对极端气象水文事件归因的工具(a Generalized Lagrangian Attribution Tool for Hydrometeorological Extremes),可以定量分析水汽源和热源(感热、潜热),水热传输,以及水热之间的交换,为未来研究极端事件变化和发展提供强有力工具。
供稿:陈元瑞 张胜龙